Bianca Censori Risks
Jail Term Over Near-Naked Outing
model, Bianca Censori faces a prison sentence or fine of €15,000 after dressing
explicitly to ditcher her bra in an outing with her husband Kanye West in
Paris, the France capital.
wore nothing but a pair of sheer tights during a shopping trip with West.
to reports, the 29-year-old architect exposed her groin and bare bum in
shocking snaps caught by the paparazzi.
was also reported that she did not wear a shirt or bra under a cropped fur coat
as she returned to the Ritz Hotel with her husband after having a good time at
now it has been revealed that the couple were seemingly unaware of the county’s
decency laws.
222-32 of the penal code from March 1994 states: Deliberate sexual display in
the sight of others in a place accessible to the public gaze is punishable by
one year in prison and a fine of one hundred thousand francs.
to reports, this was not the first time Bianca’s get-up faced trouble as she
ran the risk of a €10,000 fine or
imprisonment, for strolling “virtually naked” around Italy last year.
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