BNXN Apologizes To Davido Over Unnecessary ‘Disrespect’.

BNXN Apologizes To Davido Over Unnecessary ‘Disrespect’.

Singer Daniel Benson popularly known as BNXN, has unreservedly apologised for ‘disrespecting’ Davido after his colleague, Dremo called him out.

BNXN threw a jab at Davido while bantering with a fan of the DMW boss on X.

Seemingly angered by the shade, Davido deleted a tweet where he teased a collaboration with BNXN.

Despite Davido’s reaction, BNXN vowed that he would still release the song without his approval, stressing that he wrote “everything”, while also claiming that fans blew his tweet “out of proportion.”

However, he apologized shortly after the DMW signee, Dremo scolded him for “disrespecting” his boss.




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