JAMB Discovers 1,665 Fake A-Level Results

JAMB Discovers 1,665 Fake A-Level Results 

Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board says it uncovered at least 1,665 fake A’level results during the 2023 Direct Entry registration exercise.

The board also said the A ‘level results verification regime was characterized by corruption associated with the system.

The Registrar, Professor Is-haq Oloyede, disclosed these when he received the leadership of the National Association of Nigeria Colleges of Education Students in Abuja, stressing that, in the past when a candidate applied for Direct Entry, the board would simply ask awarding institutions to do the necessary screening and due diligence.

He stated that JAMB was shocked by the revelations from Bayero University, Kano, where out of the 148 Direct Entry applications to the institution, only six of the certificates forwarded for processing were genuine, adding that, it was the discovery of the fraud that prompted the meeting of critical stakeholders, who met to chart ways of combating the menace.

Oloyede also said, to underscore the importance attached to the exercise, the board has put in place a “No verification, No admission” policy, adding that, the modification to the ongoing DE registration is that candidates could go ahead and register while the school verifies them on the back end.

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