Lightning, Downpours Kill 65 In Pakistan.

Lightning, Downpours Kill 65 In Pakistan.

At least 65 persons have died in storm-related incidents including lightning in Pakistan, with rain so far in April falling at nearly twice the historical average rate.

Heavy downpours between Friday and Monday unleashed flash floods and caused houses to collapse, while lightning killed at least 28 people.

The largest death toll was in northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where 32 people have died, including 15 children, and more than 1,300 homes have been damaged.

According to reports, villagers whose homes were inundated with water were forced to seek refuge on higher ground, including on the shoulders of motorways, creating makeshift tents with plastic sheeting and bamboo sticks.

Pakistan is increasingly vulnerable to unpredictable weather patterns, as well as often destructive monsoon rains that usually arrive in July.



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