Police Rescue 50 Passengers, Others Still Missing.

Police Rescue 50 Passengers, Others Still Missing.

Police rescued fifty suspected armed bandits, who launched an assault along the Funtua-Gusau Road, Katsina State, after erecting a barricade near UngwarBoka Mine.

The attackers targeted two vehicle luxury bus en route Onitsha from Sokoto, and a Volkswagen Golf traveling from Gusau to Zaria.

According to a security source said, due to the gunfire, both vehicles veered off the road, and the police successfully rescued 45 passengers from the luxury bus, occupied by Igbo descent, and five additional individuals.

He also said, all the abducted passengers were rescued unharmed and were presently under the secured care of the authorities, and most passengers have been safely accounted for, while, the whereabouts of five individuals suspected to be missing in the aftermath of the traumatic ordeal remains unknown.

He also said, the patrol team retrieved the luxury bus from the bush with considerable difficulty and it has been secured at the station as part of the ongoing investigation.

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