Fraud: 2 businessmen in DSS net

Department of State Services have arrested two Abuja-based businessmen allegedly

involved in swindling major federal government contractors and acts of terrorism.

The suspected fraudsters and terrorism sponsors, identified as Abubakar Sheu and

Ibrahim Isyaku Mahuta, are said to be in the custody of the security agency.

In addition, their 12 different bank accounts, where the alleged proceeds were

deposited, have been frozen on the order of the Federal High Court in Abuja, and a

court document leading to the freezing of their accounts revealed that the first suspect,

Abubakar Sheu, used his two companies, A. A. Gano Ventures and A. A. Zaks Global

Concept, to defraud several major contractors under various pretenses.

DSS claimed in the court documents that its preliminary investigation revealed that

Sheu is a member of a criminal syndicate defrauding federal government contractors

who bid for major federal contracts, adding that, he used his two companies, A. A. Gano

Ventures and A. A. Zaks Global Concept, in conspiracy with some top government

officials in federal ministries, departments, and agencies to fraudulently obtain funds

from unsuspecting contractors.

Additionally, the secret police alleged that fraudulently obtained funds were found in five

different bank accounts domiciled in Ecobank Plc, First City Monument Bank (FCMB),

Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), and Sterling Bank Plc, and the DSS claimed that the

alleged fraudulent activities of the suspect, his two companies, and their cohorts

constituted a threat to national security.

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