Nigeria Union of Journalists, Rivers State Council, has condemned an

alleged verbal attack on his member and the publisher of the South South

Voice Newspaper, Mike Chibuoso Iwezor, by a member of the House of

Representatives, Hon Blessing Amadi.

Hon. Amadi who represents Port Harcourt Federal Constituency 2 in the

Green Chambers of the National Assembly was alleged to have verbally

assaulted Mr Iwezor, in a telephone conversation, and threatened to deal

with him in a manner he will not like.

The Union, in a statement signed by its Chairman, Stanley Job Stanley and

Secretary, Ike Wigodo, respectively, described the alleged verbal attack on

Mr. Iwezor as an abuse of political office and unwarranted intimidation by

Hon. Amadi to prevent Mr Iwezor from carrying out his constitutional

obligation to inform and educate the public.

The statement noted that the South South Voice Newspaper had reported

in its last edition, with the headline: "Phagarians Reject Poor

Representation", that the two members of the House Representatives

representing Port Harcourt constituencies, Hon. Blessing Amadi, and Hon.

Manuchimso Umezuruike had failed in their duties to speak for their people

or sponsor bills that would benefit their constituencies.

The statement said Rather than debunking the reports and set the records

straight in a civilised manner required of an honourable member, Hon

Blessing Amadi allegedly resorted to verbal attack on Mr Chibuoso Iwezor

and also threatened his life. The Union frowned at this dishonourable

attitude by Hon. Blessing Amadi, and called on the security agencies to

investigate the verbal attack on Mr Iwezor.

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