Military Fights On Despite Severe Weapons Shortage

Military Fights On Despite Severe Weapons Shortage

Russia's invasion edges towards the end of its second year, the mood among Ukraine's defenders is darkening, as exhaustion, frustration at a shortage of weapons, and the knowledge that there will be no quick military victory.

 Moments later, two more wounded men were helped in through another entrance. Vadym, 48, had been hit by shrapnel in his upper arm that morning as his unit was storming a Russian position in Avdiivka.

 A Russian artillery shell had hit his trench overnight and a piece of shrapnel had sliced through his ankle, and the surgeon, Vitalii, worked at a children's hospital before the war. He spoke wearily of his experience amputating limbs last year during Ukraine's failed counter-offensive across Russian minefields, and of the shrapnel wounds that were now filling his days and nights.


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